Cadbury: quickly looking up

This blog is dedicated to my friends who wish me well in life, and is dedicated to their optimism, and my own growing sense of possibility.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

55 lbs down - I am a machine

As above. Got on the scale at the gym yesterday. I weight 205 lbs. 55 lbs down from start.

I haven't weighed this since I was 18 years old. I was worried I had gained a little in the first couple of weeks after the separation, but I am OK.

I actually weigh a little less than 205 because the weigh was not "true empty". But I don't declare unless I see it. This was even after some road food (burgers and fries - ack!) for a few days last week.

Only 15 more lbs to go and I reach target. I have already beaten my initial target of 50 lbs.

On the diet:

A lady at in my building that I helped with a diet plan after she saw my results has lost 73 lbs since January. She started at 285 lbs (she's over 6 ft tall).

My sister is back on diet too. She had initial problems staying with the diet last spring but has been back to it recently. Based on her more recent success, she projects to be 40 lbs down by Christmas.

Another lady at my building (the friend who sent that email I posted) is down 15 lbs.

I'm thinking maybe I should go into business or something.


At August 07, 2006 2:43 PM, Blogger Nobody said...

I have just gone back on the workout and good food regimen. I feel like shit when I'm not working out, I swear. Getting back sucks though.

Holy shit. 50 pounds?! Are you low-fating or carbing?? That's a LOT Caddy. Good for you.

At August 09, 2006 8:38 PM, Blogger ohc said...

YAY! Good for you! I knew you could do it! *wink*

At August 10, 2006 11:02 AM, Blogger cadbury_vw said...

Welcome loz

At August 10, 2006 11:09 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Way to go! That is so great!! Definitely an inspiration to me. *sigh* pitter patter...I better get back at er! :)


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