My Ass - Redux (or re-done)

I got a couple of emails and a couple of posts requesting the new view. So I have obliged. This is all a work in progress, so I'm not quite at the hard-body stage i intend to be when this is all over.
I have upped my workout time length in order to do more upper body work as well. My legs are ok now, my ass is still a little small, but working on it. I have lost proportionally more from my lower body, so I'm not completely happy with the upper to lower body balance - but again - work in progress.
I hope you will forgive the strategic fig leaf, but I am trying to be somewhat in compliance with U.S. law. The other brain was hanging out a little too far...
I'm taking my lead on this from what VoyeurWeb has to say on the subject, so I may be being too cautious.
On the facial hair: I didn't shave for a few days. Usually I am clean shaven or have a day's scruff if I didn't shave that morning because I was running late.
Yeah. I know. Lots of armpit hair. What can I say, I'm a hairy guy. If I lived with you you'd probably toss me out in the kennel with the dog, I shed so much.
This pic is where I started from - some 260 lbs.

I was actually sucking in during this first pic. I took this during the summer while on a business trip through the Asia/Pacific region. It was my heaviest weight ever, and the trip didn't help. My hosts plied me with food and drink for the whole period every stop was outdoing the last. Not a little, but a lot of food and drink. We barely got time to do the meetings and they weren't shovelling more food in us.
I REALLY like Asian food of all cuisines, so I was in food heaven. Didn't help the waistline.
Stay tuned!
HOLY COW!!! That is an amazing difference! If it weren't for the hair, I wouldn't recognize you!
You're doing great! But... where are the buns? *wink*
Holy crap.
I want some.
is it hot in here or is it just me?
Oh my. My day has just brightened. You have a very tasty looking ass, my dear. t_cole, I don't think it's just you.
Cadbury, Sweety, you're doing amazingly well. I'd like to ride
[digging toe in dirt]
i really appreciate your comments
i'm trying so hard, and to have that effort recognised is such an important thing to me
WOW! What an amazing transformation!
You look great! ;-)
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