My Ass
The saga of my physical transformation continues.
I used to have nice ass. I always had a tight firm ass, and really big muscular legs. When I was younger the body builder guys I hung around with (we bounced at bars - I was the token nerd - I weighed in at 220 - 230 and could handle myself in a fight) were jealous of my legs. They had to work hard and didn't have as nice of legs (now it seems that it was a medical condition...). I worked out too, by the way.
I drifted into a more sedentary computer centric exisitence, and gained some weight. My legs and ass still looked good.
Then I got acute fibromyalgia. I discovered along the way that the permanently tight condition of my musculature was not a natural thing... As I did various things (including physio-therapy and massage) to overcome the fibromyalgia and to relieve myself of the excrutiating muscle spasms I was experiencing my muscles eventually relaxed.
Then I also lost 40 lbs.
My ass disappeared.
I was horrified. I looked grotesque in my own eyes.
That's why my first exercise is concentrated on my legs and behind.
It's coming back. That's part of the reason I spent the first two and half months doing workouts at home before venturing out to a health club.
I'm way happier with the view from behind. It's still not where it was, but I'm hopeful.
(stay tuned for a picture of how my ass used to look [part of an old VW contri])
---- posted later that day ----
my ass before I lost weight, and before I went with a shaved head

anxiously awaiting ass pictures.
yes, i am shallow
your wish is my command
hope it was worth the view
ms cole:
FYI - i deleted and reposted my comments on your blog so that there wouldn't be a fast trail back to your comments on my other blog for any family members to follow
holy shit
your weren't kidding.
can't whistle. want to whistle. dammit dammit dammit
definitely worth it! gotta watch those wishes...
i knew that's why you did that and i REALLY appreciate it.
thanks! ~ big (ass-grabbing) hug! ~
sorry, had to throw that in there...
Ummmm....I guess I picked a good day to stop by???? that's a very bold move on your part, Cadbury. But I guess if my ass looked that good, I'd post it too! ;-)
dear Big Pissy
thank-you very much for your comment and compliment.
thank-you for coming by
i should note that my observance of your Friday, February 17, 2006 post - Pissy's Par-tay - provides me with the opinion that you are quite an attractive lady, so i imagine that any hypothetical posting of frogs or other would be well worth it
(also knowing that in your line of work [well, recent work] and within your likely job prospects you would probably avoid such postings...)
Holy crap! How did I miss this hiney post? Damn. I'm always late for the good stuff!
Cadbury, darling man, keep up the good work! Your perseverance and motivation are amazing. I'm so proud of you.
Also...thank you so much for all of your kind words and support with the whole Mom Issue. I officially adore you!
nice ass, dude! despite what you say, now, one that lovely will NEVER be completely unattractive. Your "cheek structure" is just there and will remain.
T, BG, and Friday: Thank you for the wonderful comments on my behind. You have no idea of the tremendous grin I have because of your comments.
T: you have permission to grab my butt whenever you like.
BG: glad you think my butt is "good stuff"
Friday: aaawwwww shucks. I'm at a loss for words (well, not really, but I'm stammering anyway). It looked pretty sad for a few weeks but the crosstrainer is doing wonders.
Soon: new butt pic!
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