Cadbury: quickly looking up

This blog is dedicated to my friends who wish me well in life, and is dedicated to their optimism, and my own growing sense of possibility.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Weekend Away - Some Pictures

Had a really nice weekend away (for more on the nitty gritty of why we went away, read here). I'd love to share some of the pics with Mrs_C and I in them, but you know the pseudo-anonymity thing and all...

We haven't been anywhere without kids together since we didn't have any. This weekend away was a first for us. It has all been about parenting, not us as a couple for 14 years. We each had a few trips away without the other, but nothing with just us.

It was a spontaneous getaway. I certainly remembered what we found in each other - and still found this weekend - even with the background of tension, it was lovely.


Some of where we went. It was such a gorgeous weekend. The entire world around us had been scrubbed clean.


Some of what we did (not us in the picture, of course). Trees, water, the smell of life. Our dog would have had fun too, just like the one in this picture.

We did not get on the water this weekend, but we enjoyed walking around the marina and seeing all the boats on the water. We didn't swin in the lake though we did walk in the water on the shore. The lake is still a little cold, and there was a pool back at the condo unit we stayed in.


I love boats. This is such a pretty little marina and inlet. It is magical when you see it.


This vessel is older than I am. A great boat. 3 staterooms. I went on it a couple of years ago when it was being refurbished.

The sky is so big. The weather was raining hard on Friday evening as we drove, but cleared up overnight. The locals told us that it had been raining and grey for weeks before our arrival. I think God was casting a helping hand.


More of the marina from a different viewpoint.


Hard to believe it's all in the middle of bald assed prairie. You can literally sail right past grain bins and cows...

Someday I will sail for an extended period in my own vessel. I want to sail around the Aegean and Adriatic seas (preferably into the Black Sea as well). I want to sail the Carribean, and would like to spend some time in some of the island states of the south pacific.


Friday, June 16, 2006

An email I received

I received this email a week or two ago from a lady that (works in my building) I have lunch with and visit often. I've known her for about 20 years. We were walking buddies during a recnt building wide exercise and health promotion.

No - we are just friends and she has a significant other. She's about 12 years older than me. We have discussed my issues extensively. She recently (3 months) separated from her husband - I was her confidant as well during her difficulties.

Subject: Howdy
"Hi [Cadbury],
I know this will make you very sad, but I am only here until noon. Then off to do a bunch of fun things at home. Lawns, fertilizing, bedding, clean house, colouring my hair.......
See you on Monday. Hope you have a peaceful weekend with no walking on eggshells or that twisted feeling in your stomach. Remember you are a good guy!! I know cause I spend more time with you then I do with any other man.
Hugs and Kisses,
[insert friend's name]"

I am happy to have received such validation. One more reason to be looking up.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Abs - I Have Abs!!!

I was looking in the mirror the other day after I came home from working out and realised that I have abs. Yes, you heard it here first. I have muscle definition in my upper abdominal muscles. Cut I think they call it.

I was unsure, so I asked for an opinion from Mrs_C and she agreed it was cut. I also asked my massage therapist who both looked and felt the muscles who said "yes".

Ha! I have a two pack! Wheeeeee!

The pictures below are for illustration purposes. They were taken in the morning when i was mightly relaxed, not right after exercise which is when these puppies show said realizable definition. However, I am gleeful, and you folks are thinking I'm losing my mind, but HA!, I don't care I have definable abs and literally danced for joy. My children say they think I'm weird, but both of them have started doing the same abdominal crunch exercises I do every day, themselves.

BTW - are these showing up dark on your screens too?

Even when I was more fit and working out in my late teens early twenties I could never get any definition. That is part of the reason I'm so gleeful.